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Put the “Fun” Back in “Fundraising”

June 28, 2023

If your last fundraiser generated more headaches and nightmares than profits, it’s understandable if your head throbs at the thought of helming another one. Perhaps you agreed to the first one because you saw “fun” in the word “fundraiser”—it was bound to be a blast, right? 

Before you begrudgingly agree to roll that fundraising boulder up that hill again, we just want to say one thing: There is a better way—and we don’t want you to miss out on it!

At Stoller Fundraisers, we’ve distilled the art of successful fundraising down to a simple three-step process and used it to help over 3,200 groups raise over $17 million. When you reach out to us for help, our expertise and methods become yours. 

Whether you are fundraising for a band, choir, church, school, or sports team, working with us involves the following three steps: scheduling a call with us, promoting your fundraiser, and getting your profit check. We keep it simple—and we offer that simplicity to you—so you don’t miss out on the satisfaction that comes with fundraising when the process is streamlined for success. 

We also don’t want you to miss out on any of the following five benefits that come with partnering with Stoller Fundraising:

  1. Your own personalized online store. Stoller Fundraising offers a simple, user-friendly online ordering system that enables you to track your fundraising progress, manage orders, process payments, and view reports in real-time. Supporters can pay online using their credit or debit cards, Apple Pay, or Google Pay.
  2. A fundraising program that is tailored to your group’s needs. We work with you to determine the approach that suits you best. One popular option, for example, is our traditional brochure fundraiser, which uses a mix of paper order forms and your group’s online store to raise money fast with great products—specifically our famous Butter Braid® Pastries and Joyful Traditions® Cake Rolls. Read about our other options—the Grab & Go Fundraiser, and the Ship-to-Home Fundraiser—here.
  3. High-profit margins.  We promise high-profit margins on our fundraising programs, offering up to 50% to help your group reach its financial goals quickly and easily. Most groups that work with us run 2-3 fundraisers a year and raise between $5,000 and $20,000.
  4. Free promotional materials. We provide you with a range of free promotional materials to support your fundraising efforts, including customized order forms, posters, parent letters, and social media graphics. When you and all the people in your fundraiser’s orbit use these materials to spread the word, monetary magic happens!
  5. Dedicated customer support. We are committed to providing exceptional customer support with a team of experienced and knowledgeable representatives who are available to answer questions, help with ordering, and provide guidance every step of the way. In other words, you don’t have to slug it out solo anymore when you work with us!

While it’s true that anyone can fundraise until they’re blue in the face, no one wants to end up looking like a Smurf. Keep your complexion and raise the money you need by partnering with Stoller Fundraising.

Schedule a call with us today so you don’t miss out on an easier, better way to reach—and even surpass—your fundraising goals. We look forward to talking with you and making your life easier, too. Who knows, maybe this time around you’ll even find the fundraising process (dare we say it) fun?

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