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Author: Spire Advertising

How to Get 4x Earnings From Your Next Group Fundraiser

The goal of a fundraiser is to support your group. Get the most from your efforts with these tips to help you earn more: 

Don’t Let The Well Run Dry

The first key to quadrupling your earnings feels counterintuitive — only offer two fundraisers in the year. Multiple fundraisers reduce your earnings by exhausting your group and the target donors. The effort to run multiple fundraisers may sap your group’s morale for volunteering, staying engaged, and feeling productive. If they feel like the fundraisers are too much work for a minimal return, your supporters may lose their interest or desire to participate, and they may feel less likely to donate if there are too many requests for their funds. 

Plan Ahead

By planning ahead for the year, you can take advantage of the long lead time to generate hype. Think about the upcoming year and pick two times when there is already a high level of energy. Then, choose the right, unique, and exclusive items to offer. For example, consider holidays and sports events.

Holidays are a great time to leverage excitement and offer a fundraiser that fits the occasion. Holidays are prime time for baked goods, and tasty treats, like cake rolls, cookies, or Butter Braid® pastries make great enticements for fundraising. OR, identify major sports events that will take place throughout the year. Take advantage of the enthusiasm for the event and offer game-day favorites like pizza or popcorn for your fundraiser. 

Create a Marketing Calendar

Developing a marketing calendar is a great way to ensure effective promotion for your fundraiser. In your calendar, pick dates for promotions that progress from teasing about the upcoming fundraiser to telling more information about the cause. Be sure to include important details, like the start date and duration of your fundraiser, which will keep your supporters informed. Once these are on the calendar, you can start to think about the ways to promote each date. You’ll need to decide if you want to use fliers, posters, or other types of attention grabbers to get the word out. 

Earn More

When your audience looks forward to a fundraiser, they will be more likely to participate. Together, these steps will build excitement and clarity for your fundraiser, leading to more earnings for your group!

Worried about where to start? Contact one of our fundraising coaches today to start creating your plan to earn 4x more in your fundraiser this year. 

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